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Full name: Lee van Cleef (Ghost of)
Titles: Moon vs The Ghost of Lee Van Cleef
Planned titles: Moon vs The Ghost of Lee Van Cleef Redux
Known Affiliations: The Bad, Sergio Leone, US Navy
Known Allies: None
Known enemies: Moon, Shades, The Agency, The Good, The Ugly
The risen spirit of the actor who played 'Angel Eyes' (The Bad) in the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.
Why? Not sure.
What's his motivation? Um...
Why has he specifically risen? Eeeer...
Why now is what I'm asking? Well... that is...
Did you plan this out? I mean... uuuh...
So that's it is it? He's the Ghost for some reason of a famous actor people under a certain age can't remember - for no given reason?
...... Look, I'm supposed to be promoting this...
Sounds like a draft that went to print too early before it was fully developed...
Yeah... that sounds pretty accurate..
You should promote it that way. Just tell the truth...
Steve Says: 'Intended as a content plug during the absence of the rest of the creative team - I concocted the idea of a silent, black and white western (even though the westerns I was basing on were neither 1) silent or 2) black and white) featuring the Ghost of Lee Van Cleef and Moon on the streets of London. Due to the lack of dialogue I thought GOLVC could be mysterious. As such, the current edition of Moon vs The Ghost of Lee Van Cleef should be seen as a draft (and fundraiser) of Moon vs The Ghost of Lee van Cleef REDUX - featuring colour, actual plot and dialogue. What? Can't win em all. It's there if you're curious.... :)'
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